That way, you can put your budget into creating a great atmosphere for your attendees. Advertise your pajama day well in advance and let students know that they have to pay a couple of dollars to wear their comfy pajamas to school for one whole day. To obtain hat-wearing privileges, students (and even faculty and staff!) can donate a $1 to your school.
Your team members know how motivating a little competition can be, so they’re the perfect volunteer fundraisers for a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign. This online fundraising strategy is structured similarly to crowdfunding and is ideal for raising money through your team’s social media networks. With the holidays coming up, kids can design seasonal greeting cards which they can sell to friends and family for a small fee. With the right marketing ahead of time, these events can bring in a good number of ticket sales.
The head shaving challenge is similar to the beard challenge, where students must shave their heads if they reach their fundraising targets. To raise schools fundraising of the fundraiser, get your students to post before- and -after photos or videos on social media. Parents will love this fundraising idea as it gives them time to get to tasks they can’t normally do while taking care of their kids during the summer. If you’re looking for a way to boost school spirit while fundraising, hosting powderpuff games is the way to go.
For elementary school students, you might want to try something a little less scary like a corn maze or trunk or treat event. We mentioned the homecoming dances already, but there are tons of traditional homecoming events that can help raise some money for future school events. This tradition varies from school to school, but it’s usually a touch football game that occurs during homecoming week for high school. The teams are made up of girls from the school and the teams can be juniors vs. seniors or cheerleaders from the two schools playing each other. Many businesses will allow schools to put out jars on their counter for people to throw their loose change.
Whether you’re looking for School Fundraisers, Church Fundraisers, Youth Sports Fundraisers or Non-Profit Fundraising Ideas, ABC Fundraising® can help your group raise money fast! We’re constantly developing new and unique fundraising products that can help our clients earn the Highest Profit Possible in the fundraising industry. A small or larger scale treasure hunt is a fun event for families along with being a great fundraising idea.
Earn money for your school from sponsorships displayed on your school website. Having a lawn or rummage sale is a relatively easy method to raise some of the funds you require for the successful operation of your day-to-day activities. To ensure future success, evaluate the success of each school fundraiser you host. Have the planning committee discuss what worked well and what didn’t and record these discussions for future planning. There’s nothing better than a pool party when it’s warm outside!
Be sure to embed Google Maps into your donation page so each supporter knows each pub stop upfront. Communicate the opportunities to parents at home as well as classmates to make the most of your fundraiser. Consider taking a survey of students ahead of time to see who would be their top picks to put in the dunk tank. The principal might get off easy if there are a few teachers who everyone has on their list. If the adults are good sports, it helps the students have a little more fun as well. The next level of authority figure above teachers is the principal, so it might make an even bigger impact to offer up something that involves the head of the school for a prize.
With the different teams formed, the teams will have a set amount of time to decipher the clues and find the items before the time runs out. Scavenger hunts are a great way to get the kids thinking and working together as a team to decipher clues, and they work as a great fundraising tool. Known for being fun and easy, hosting a bingo day is a great way to get your students involved with the fundraiser. Using your school on the weekend, you can set up the different classrooms as mission rooms. This fundraiser is a great way to see how quickly your students can think on their feet and an excellent way to create excitement for your following fundraiser.